Let me introduce myself to you all. My nama is AGUS BUDIYANTO, was born on August 17 th, 1973. I was graduated from English Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty,
I was an English teacher at SMA Batik 2 and SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta and also an English lecturer in Politeknik Surakarta and Slamet Riyadi University (Unisri) in 1999-2002.
I had experiences as an English teacher in SMA 1 Wadaslintang and SMP 5 Wadaslintang until 2004. Now, I am an English teacher in SMP 6 Wadaslintang, Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia since 2004 and have an opportunity to enlarge my teaching experiences in ‘STIE Putra Bangsa Kebumen’ since 2003.
To be a teacher is my pure ambition since I was studying in Elementary School. I have a dream, how can the quality of education in
Agusbudiyanto hot news is my blog. I will be waiting for your comments.
My family album
Our beloved daughter
Her hobby is drawing.
You are Very Good.