English for Management 2
by Agus Budiyanto, S.Pd.,M.Pd. and Vita Dewi Raras Asianti, S.S.
Kontrak Perkuliahan
1. Table of Content (Materi) :
(Adopted from A Rapid Course in English for Students of Economics-Tom Mc Arthur 1990).
- Application Letters (1st and 2nd meeting)
- Utility and Prices (3rd and 4th meeting)
- Labor and Capital (5th and 6th meeting)
- Mid Test
- Business Letters (7th and 8th meeting)
- Supply and Demand (9th and 10th meeting)
- Money and Banking (11st and 12th meeting)
- Final Test
2. Prosentase
a. Tugas = 30%
b. Mid test = 20%
c. Etika = 5%
d. Presensi = 15%
e. Final Test = 30%
Jumlah = 100%
3. Catatan
a. Setiap tugas yang diberikan harap dikerjakan sebaik-baiknya, jika tugas tidak lengkap dipastikan nilai akhir tidak keluar atau dapat D.
b. Beberapa tugas diberikan lewat
dan beberapa harus dikirim melalui
Pak Tugas buat cari lowongan pekerjaan ga nemu, carinya di koran apa ? balez ya, jangan cuma di baca !!!!!!!!!!
BalasHapuspak klo wktu njelasin mk aku ga mudeng. tolong jelasin langsung,
BalasHapusmr agus is the best teacher.... you teach is very enjoy
BalasHapusmr agus is the best teacher... you teach is very enjoy erma rofikoh manajemen 2A
BalasHapushallo Mr.Agus...
BalasHapusMr.Agus is the best
and no coment
dear mr.agus....agus
BalasHapushow are you today?????????
Ihope you are always fine.
I like your humorous,you can be very strict at the best teacher.....
i follow Mr. Agus enaugh decided if to teach.But many student in my class less vocabulary,so to be text i hope discussion togeter Mr.?don't direct exercise?
BalasHapusVocabulary more many studied,so we can understand.Thank's...............................
He is very good in to arrive matter.and very so easy to understand.He also can make condition study straight fit.until no enought.
BalasHapusHi Mr Agus,you are a nice teacher in classroom. be the best to your student's,oTrE............!
BalasHapushay Mr.Agus.......
BalasHapusyou are a teacher very enjoy,suppel and little handsome.....
don't forget me yuaa
and if you give task for me is not difficult yuaa
we hope you don't naughty to girls Agusss.........
BalasHapusthis is dina....
i will comment to you,,,
i think you are a teacher that very nice and friendly.....
keep your sweet smile always at claas.
Hello mr.Agus,how are you today?you always made me to improving our wanted to practice english.i hope you always give us oportunity to try like the last meeting yesterday.ok thanks
BalasHapusMr. Agusss
this is agustina, how are you today??? I am sorry no coment to you
assalamualaikum wr_wb
BalasHapuspak......i don't speak english sumpah
because i'm very stupied.ha.ha.ha
pak tau gak resti bikin email gk jadi2_melaaaaaaaaaaas banget.
waalaikumsalam wr_wb
hay preeenn..a man without ambision is lake a bird without wing
BalasHapusMr. Agusssss
How are you today????
Itu ajah Lah yach...No comment because I don,t speak english getoooooo.....
Hello mr.agus........................
BalasHapusthis is my e_mail
According to me, the teacher in Indonesia should be prorperous coz the quality of education is affected by the teacher's prosperity. Because the teacher is a good fighter. In the teacher's hand is the nation future. The teacher's work is very great. Theacher always give the to your students bright shine.
BalasHapusgood morning Mr. Agus
BalasHapushow are you today? . . .
No Coment N good Luck za
good morning mr.Agus
BalasHapushow are you????????????
mr.Agus im not coment too,becaus not too coment
Mr Agus is the teacher best of the best...
BalasHapuseasy smile'... no comment.....
BalasHapusMr. Agus is My best teacher to all teacher
How a' u...???
Great...go way spirit teachs today...
mr.agus plese update your blog
BalasHapusby fress news
saya suka dengan cara bpk Agus mengajar, karena selama saya menuntut ilmu belum pernah, belajar sambil mendengarkan musi. "santai tapi pasti". see you at school.